Soft skills for phds and early career researchers

23-25 July 2024 @UNIPV

Aims and Objectives

So much of our graduate studies program is about the "hard science", and how central it is for a terminal universitry degree (i.e. a PhD) to produce and publish excellent technical work, in the effort of providing an original contribution to the body of knowledge in one's field.

However, there's so much more to a successful (and enjoyable) path towards a PhD, that is often left unsaid and never really taught in a structured format in PhD programs. Going through graduate school is as much about producing excellent research as it is about acquiring a set of complimentary skills that allow PhD students and Early Career Researchers (e.g. post-docs and assistant profs.) to thrive during, and after their studies and career. This is true both in an academic setting and in the private sector where many researchers take on R&D and managerial roles. 

In the first edition of the "Essential soft skills for PhDs and ERCs" we are going to dedicate 3 days of full-immersion in the realm of soft skills: academic writing, presentation making, time management, project management, work-life balance, how to handle stress, goal setting, career advice, what to do after you get your PhD... all those things you'd always wished someone just told you, at some point during your PhD journey.

COME JOIN US in late July at UNIPV --> have a look at the REGISTRATION, PROGRAM, and VENUE pages

Recognition of training

The 3-day school has been funded under the "Intensive School for Advanced Graduate Studies" (ISAGS) initiative promoted by the "Scuola di Alta Formazione Dottorale" (SAFD) of UNIPV. As such, it is an official and recognized, transversal training activity for UNIPV. 

Furthermore, the 3 PhD programs of the Department of Electric, Computer and Biomedical Engineering of UNIPV are officially supporting the program. 

The school awards 3 CFU (Crediti Formativi Universitari), equivalent to 3 ECTS.

A certificate of completion will be provided at the end of the program to the school attendees.


Enea Parimbelli - school chair

Assistant professor of Bioengineering

Bio Medical Informatics lab "Mario Stefanelli" @UNIPV

Alessandro Bacchetta - co-organizer

Professor of Physics

Hadronic Physics lab head @UNIPV , and ERC grant holder (3DSPIN)

Riccardo Brambilla - co-organizer

Professor of Pharmacology

Translational neuroscience and neuropsychopharmacology lab head @UNIPV

Gabriella Massolini - co-organizer

Professor of Chemistry and UNIPV CdA member

Department of Drug sciences, and innovative teaching champion @UNIPV